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»Forums Index »NEW IQFEED FORUMS »Data Questions »DDE Client From IIS
Author Topic: DDE Client From IIS (1 messages, Page 1 of 1)

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Posts: 2
Joined: Mar 25, 2024

Posted: Mar 26, 2024 06:05 AM          Msg. 1 of 1
I have deployed my API on IIS it will connect with IQLink exe using DDE when I requested a USDCAD rate from IQLink it is throwing exception even locally every thing work fine.

The client failed to request "IQLINK|USDCAD!BID".

2024-03-26 05:38:50.074 -04:00 [INF] Requesting rate again

2024-03-26 05:40:51.073 -04:00 [ERR] The client failed to request "IQLINK|USDCAD.COMP!BID".

2024-03-26 05:40:51.076 -04:00 [INF] Client in GetNewDDEObject False

2024-03-26 05:40:51.077 -04:00 [INF] TEmp is Connected or not True

2024-03-26 05:40:51.077 -04:00 [INF] Request item in Get Rate Call is USDCAD.COMP

2024-03-26 05:40:51.077 -04:00 [INF] Client Service is IQLINK 2024-03-26 05:40:51.077 -04:00 [INF] Client is Connected True 2024-03-26 05:41:45.039 -04:00 [ERR] Exception is NDde.DdeException: The client failed to request "IQLINK|USDCAD!ASK". ---> NDde.Foundation.DdemlException: The client failed to request "IQLINK|USDCAD!ASK".

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)

at NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.DdeThread.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)

at NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)

at NDde.Advanced.DdeContext.Invoke(ThreadStart method)

at NDde.Client.DdeClient.Request(String item, Int32 format, Int32 timeout) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at NDde.Client.DdeClient.Request(String item, Int32 format, Int32 timeout) at NDde.Client.DdeClient.Request(String item, Int32 timeout)

at ECNConnector.DDEClient.GetRate(String item, String requestedItem, Boolean applyTolerance, Double tolerance) in C:\Users\Ashar.Hussain\Desktop\Distribution Layer\Distri



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