Refering to this page we do a Tick request (HTX, HTD, and HTT) we have "Basis For Last" returned with a value of C,E,O,S
This is great as we can ignore out or market trades if we choose to.
The issue is when we do interval requests (HIX, HID, and HIT) we don't have that same value.
Can you please add "Basis For Last" to these calls.
There may be confusion about what to do when there are C's and E's in the one interval. Perhaps a better alternative is to allow us to include a string of "Basis" which we require in the call.
eg HTD,[Symbol],[MaxDays],[MaxDatapoints],[BeginFilterTime],[EndFilterTime],[DataDirection],[RequestID],[DatapointsPerSend][BasisToInclude]<CR><LF>
BasisToInclude would be optional but I could enter 'CS' if I wanted to only include Qualified Trades and Settles.
HTX example
Request: HTT,GOOGL,20190409 000000,20190409 235959,10,155959,160004,1,TESTREQUEST,C<CR><LF>
Note the ",C" on the end.
I know that this could also be filtered with start and end times, but then we fall into issues with time zones for non-EST markets.
Thanks for considering